
The Power of Social Media: How One Man is Bridging the Reverse Logistics Information Gap

The Power of Social Media
In today’s world of near-universal connectivity and ever-expanding access to information through the vast realm of the World Wide Web, it’s not at all difficult to find an overabundance of material on just about everything under the sun. Yet one niche corner of the e-commerce world that seems to have evaded the revealing bright lights of the information superhighway is the reverse logistics industry.

For ambitious new sellers and small businesses looking to cash in on the often lucrative world of secondary-market retail sales, that yawning gap in knowledge can both limit and lengthen the process of full immersion into the industry.

Enter Rob Cyr, a 17-year veteran of the reverse logistics trade otherwise known affectionately in online circles as “The Wholesale Guy.” If Rob has anything to do with it, he’ll lead the charge in filling that information void and help vault businesses and enthusiastic entrepreneurs into prosperous online dealers in no time.

So what’s been the missing link?

According to Rob, who participated in a Liquidity Services-hosted panel discussion at this year’s 2019 Reverse Logistics Association Conference and Expo in Las Vegas made up of influential industry subject matter experts, it’s all about harnessing the growing reach and influence of social media to jumpstart a successful reverse logistics endeavor.

“Companies need to really focus on social media and embrace it,” said Rob, who admitted he didn’t know much about the industry when he got his start in 2002. “Because that’s where the dialog is going to be.”

Despite his general lack of knowledge and early trials when he was first getting his feet wet in the industry, Rob was eventually able to forge a successful business in the reverse logistics space. And soon enough, people started to notice, flocking to him to help fill the information void and gain traction for their own businesses.

“As I started to figure out the wholesaling world, people would come to me and ask advice on how to get started. So I ended up blogging and trying to get all the information out there and the guidance to our customers,” he explained.

Fast forward more than a decade later, and Rob now operates a Facebook group, ProductSourcing101, where 25,000 members are actively engaging and sharing a wealth of information for both buyers and sellers looking for guidance in the fast-paced world of reverse logistics.

According to Pew Research Center, Facebook and YouTube are far and away the top two social media platforms used by adults in the U.S. In fact, YouTube is now used by nearly three-quarters of Americans age 18 and up, including 94 percent of those between 18 and 24. Additionally, Pew reports that the share of social media users who say platforms like YouTube would be hard to give up has only increased in recent years.

It’s no secret: social media is changing the way industries strategize their online presence. However, as consumer behaviors continue to shift in the ever-changing world of digital strategy, it’s vitally important for businesses to emphasize their social and online presence and tune into the ever-evolving trends of the day.

For more of Rob’s insight on how social media is impacting the future of businesses and the way’s he’s helping bridge the information gap, visit the Liquidity Services’ online Education Center and get a leg-up on resources currently available to you at the click of a button.